Of course, one of the main questions that worries all couples is how not to overpay? An experienced organizer will always help you with this, who not only knows how to correctly draw up lighting, allocate a budget and optimize it, but also will be able to advise really proven specialists, which will guarantee the result, and they, in turn, will offer services at completely different prices.

Never do the decor yourself! It’s like building a house for the first time – it will be demolished. If the budget is only for an outdoor ceremony, then do only it. Don’t spread the budget for all zones.

Then it’s time to move on to more specific details. Photographer Anette Chorna notes: “We have to start somewhere. Whether it’s a dress, a photographer, a restaurant, an off-site check-in area. Something that is extremely in spirit. It is much easier to start from something concrete than from a blank slate. You can also find contractors along the chain.